Whether you want to learn about training, nutrition, supplementation, fat loss, muscle gain or if you just want ideas for healthy recipes, the Myolean Fitness blog has you covered!
Quick and Easy High Protein, Low Fat Muffins Recipe
If you are looking for a quick and easy high protein, low fat muffins recipe, you can end your quest – this is the recipe you’ve been searching for!
Do Ketogenic Diets Cause Muscle Loss? Here’s What Science Says
Guest author: Vincent Sparagna (scienceandiron.net) Reviewed by: Antonis Damianou (myoleanfitness.com) We know that ketogenic diets promote fat and weight loss. We also know [...]
Lucas’ 9-Week Fat Loss Transformation
It's amazing what you can achieve in a short 9 weeks when you consistently put effort into your training and nutrition! And that's exactly what Lucas did using [...]
The REAL Cause of Obesity: A Response to Gary Taubes
Gary Taubes is a prominent nutrition author, known for his stance against sugar. This is a thorough, impartial, and scientific analysis of his claims.
High Protein, Low Fat Cherry Cheesecake Recipe
Are you looking for a delicious yet high protein, low fat cherry cheesecake recipe? If so, you can stop looking - you’ve just found it!
5:2 Intermittent Fasting vs Traditional Dieting: New Year-Long Study
5:2 intermittent fasting vs traditional dieting. This is what a small research team at the Oslo University Hospital in Norway sought to compare in a new year-long study.
10 Health Benefits of Strength Training That Are Backed by Science
The health benefits of strength training extend far beyond weight management and aesthetics. Here are 10 health benefits of strength training that are backed by science!
CICO: The Science-Based Truth You Need to Know
What's CICO? Is it a diet? Is it really a fad and is it bad for your health? We answer these questions and more in this article about CICO.